
【信息发布时间:2024-01-23  阅读次数: 我要打印】 【关闭

张家港始终坚持以文化民生为导向,把弘扬先进文化、建设文化强市作为推动城市发展的重要动力。在全国创新实施网格化公共文化服务、”一中心、双总分、数字化”模式、”书香城市”建设、文化志愿服务等项目。推出一批优秀文艺作品,屡获文旅部”群星奖”“文华奖”、中国戏剧梅花奖、中国曲艺牡丹奖等重要荣誉。连续19 年成功举办”长江文化节”品牌活动,被誉为”县级市扛起弘扬长江文化的大旗”。蝉联全国文化先进市,成功创建中国曲艺名城、省”书香城市建设示范市(县、区) 等。
Zhangjiagang has always adhered to the guidance of culture and people's livelihood, and has taken the promotion of advanced culture and the construction of a cultural city as an important driving force for development. It has innovatively implemented projects such as grid-based public cultural services, the public culture service mode of “one center, core library and culture center and their rural branches, and digitalization”, reading city construction, and cultural volunteer service. A number of excellent cultural and art works have been launched, which have won many important honors such as the "Star Award" and "Wenhua Award" of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Plum Blossom Award of Chinese Drama, and the Peony Award of Chinese Quyi. The “Yangtze River Culture Festival” brand event has been successfully held for 19 consecutive years, and it has been praised as “the county-level city that carries the banner of promoting Yangtze River culture”. It has won the title of  National Advanced Cultural City for many consecutive years, and successfully be awarded Chinese Quyi Famous City, Provincial Demonstration City (County and District) for Reading City Construction and other honors.
