Zhangjiagang Software Park

【信息发布时间:2009-06-16  阅读次数: 我要打印】 【关闭

I. Background for Proposed Project
Zhangjiagang Economic Development Zone (EDZ) was set up in 1993, covering an area of 57 square kilometers. More than 1,500 enterprises have already settled down in the Zone, including over 300 foreign-invested companies. The featured industries including equipment manufacturing, photovoltaic, special textile and modern service are greatly promoted in the Zone.
Software outsourcing is a key high-tech industry greatly encouraged by Chinese Government, which enjoys preferential policies issued by both central and local governments. Zhangjiagang Software Park is one of the most important areas for Zhangjiagang Government to develop software projects.
II. Project Information
Zhangjiagang Software Park covers a planning area of 200,000 square meters with 500,000 square meters of building areas. The buildings are mainly for rent. Investment capital looks for financing market. The Park provides platforms for software development, evaluation, training and international order taking.
III. Estimated Investment: US$ 260 million
IV. Cooperation Form: joint venture or cooperation
V. Project Undertaker: Zhangjiagang Economic Development Zone (EDZ)
Contact Person: Mr. Xu Boyao
Tel0086-512-58187860  008613915726901
E-mail:  zhujun@zjgedz.com
Websitehttp:// www.zjgedz.com
