YMIP(Jiangsu Yangtze International Metallurgical Industrial Park)

【信息发布时间:2009-06-26  阅读次数: 我要打印】 【关闭

YMIP(Jiangsu Yangtze International Metallurgical Industrial Park) was set up in 2003 with approval of Jiangsu Provincial Government. With steel manufacturing and metal processing as its main industry, the Park is aimed at building a new-type industrial base with extension industries of machinery manufacturing, auto parts and new materials and a steel products logistics base. The key companies in the Park include Shagang Group, Pohang Stainless Steel(POSCO),Farun, SK, Air Liquid, etc. There are annually 15 million tons of iron making capacity, 18 million tons of steelmaking capacity,18 million tons of rolled steel, 1 million tons of stainless steel, 42 million tons of weight cases of floated glass in the Park.
Investment Perspective:
  • Supporting and extending projects of traditional industries like steel manufacturing and metal processing
  • Projects of new-type manufacturing, commerce and leisure agriculture
  • Logistic projects related to steel industries, based on “China United Steel Zhangjiagang E-trading center”
  • Projects of deep-processing of stainless steel products with POSCO as the lead
E-mail:mzp@ymip.com  cyg@ymip.com
http:// www.ymip.com

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